About Us
The DNA for GoodFlow Solutions was started many years ago. Frank Currivan, the creator of the numerous patents around the CTL system, transitioned from a second-generation septic and drainage installer to leader of the third generation heading up the family business. Like his father before him, Frank literally grew up dealing with various problematic issues that standard pipe and gravel trench systems generated. The ever-increasing capacity needs of larger homes and subsequent water usage along with the increased value of real estate presented challenges in need of solutions. There was a desperate need in the marketplace for septic and drainage systems that utilized a smaller footprint with greater capacity – leaving more land available for development or greenspace. Most landowners didn’t want to be told that they couldn’t expand their structure, install a pool, or build a new deck because their septic system or rain garden was in the way. Even worse was being unable to sell or further develop a property due to a failed system that would be impossible to replace using “old” technology.
The idea was hatched to develop a system that would be durable enough to be installed under hardscape surfaces like driveways and parking lots while providing superior capacity. In 2007, Frank created Cur-tech, the first of his four patents filed that detailed a revolutionary new technology that was the result of incalculable hours of research and development in the trenches…so to speak. Over time, his innovative creation of durable concrete chambers that utilized a clever perimeter of ABS fins to dramatically improve the ELA was recognized by system engineers as a superior leaching field alternative. He became known regionally as the problem solver when it came to difficult or “impossible” septic requirements for challenging properties.
As word spread, the demand grew – from lavish beach houses on Nantucket to office buildings in Connecticut, from lake houses in upstate New York to residential home developments in Maine. These innovative systems were solving problems, saving money, and creating land value. After steady growth and hundreds upon hundreds of successful installations throughout New England, the decision was made to bring on partners with expertise in a variety of disciplines that would assist with responsible and careful growth. In 2020, GoodFlow Solutions was born to bring together this unique technology with operational assistance and the necessary resources to grow exponentially.
Frank, with his 30+ years of experience in designing systems, continues to be involved with the daily operations of assisting engineers, installers and homeowners. Today, GoodFlow Solutions are available in most states across the U.S. and has expanded into commercial and industrial water retention systems with the same product principles – smaller footprint, greater capacity and financially sensible.
We look forward to continuing to provide the personalized experience that has been our trademark from day one and deliver on our pledge to “Create Land Value”.